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Eco Green

Eco Team

Energy Saving Tips Before A Vacation

If you’re planning to go away anytime soon there’s a few energy saving steps you can take to get ready. While you may have already paid full price for the trip, these simple tips can save a few dollars on your energy bills when you get home.

1. Turn lights off

While this is the simplest option, it’s often easily forgotten. On the other hand, some people leave lights on to simulate being home. If you insist on choosing that option, invest in a timing device so lights are only on for set periods of time.

2. Turn the thermostat to the lowest setting.

Some thermostats today have a features to automatically set temp for different times of day or based on other settings, for most other units the easiest option is to simply turn the thermostat to a very low setting. This allows for air to circulate while you’re away while using the minimum amount of energy needed.

3. Unplug all Electronics.

One of the big misconceptions is that electronic devices do not consume power when they are turned off. Unfortunately this isn’t the case. Unplugging every electronic device including small items like routers and large items like washer and dryers, is the only way to ensure no extra power is consumed.

4. Adjust the Water Heater.

If possible, reduce your water heater to as low a setting as possible or a vacation mode setting if you have that option. This will allow for less energy being consumed to heat the water when it isn’t being used.

5. Clear The Refrigerator:

Adjusting the refrigerator temperature is another option. When a vacation is less than two weeks long, simply turn the fridge up a few degrees or to a less cool setting. When the vacation is longer than that, the best option is to clear the fridge entirely and unplug the unit if possible.

These are only some of the ways you can save energy throughout the year. For more energy saving tips or to book your next appointment, contact us directly.



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