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Why Should People Drain A Portable Air Conditioner?

If you own a portable air conditioner or intend to buy one, you may be wondering whether they need to be drained or not. There are some different factors that you should consider when using portable air conditioners – especially to help them last longer.

Your portable air conditioner has been an essential appliance during the hottest times of the summer season. It has contributed significantly to cooling your place down and making you feel relaxed.

It has taken care of you throughout the heat. Thus, it should only be fair that you should also take care of your air conditioner. Why is that? When an owner fails to take good care of their appliance, it becomes faulty and will not perform efficiently. This situation also applies to a portable air conditioner.

How to Drain Your Portable Air Conditioner in Easy Ways

How Many Times You Have To Drain Air Conditioner

When you are in an arid area

One situation where you do not have to drain your portable AC every eight hours is when you are in an arid location. Why is this? When the  air conditioner operates with hot humidity, it cannot get moisture from the air. Thus, the operation will remove the water.

When your air conditioner is up to date

Generally, up-to-date mobile air conditioner systems utilize vents to eliminate moisture in your home. When doing this, water from the AC’s tank transfers to AC’s condenser coil, and the water turns into vapor once it interacts with AC’s condenser coil. Thus, no water would fill your tank.

What happens if you don’t drain your air conditioner?

what happens if you don’t drain your portable air conditioner

Standing water can become home to mold and bacteria if left to stagnate for some time. Air conditioning systems can quickly become a brand new breeding ground for such microorganisms. If left alone, these can cause health issues such as allergies and viruses.

If your AC unit has a damp or wet cooling coil, condensate, or humidifier, it is more likely to develop mold and mildew as well. This can release toxins that cause these allergic reactions and even potential diseases.

AC units should be emptied if you don’t plan to use them that regularly. Just simple drainage will limit any chances of bacteria build-up and potential illnesses from occurring.


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