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Eco Green

Eco Team

AC temprature in summer

What Is The Right Temperature For The Air Conditioner In Summer?

What Are the Recommended Home Temperatures in Summer?

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recommends setting your summer thermostat to 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you are at home and need cooling off in the summer. However, AC temperature settings will vary greatly, depending on where you live, how well insulated your home is, the time of day. And your desired comfort level.

As a rule of thumb, try to keep the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures as small as possible and within 20 degrees. For example, the DOE estimates that maintaining your home at 85°F for eight hours a day during the hottest part of the day could save you 5-15% on cooling costs.

What's the Best Temperature for My Thermostat in summer?

How Cool Should The House Be if It’s 100 Degrees Outside?

Many HVAC and AC unit installers recommend a difference of 20 degrees Fahrenheit between your home’s indoor temperature and the outdoor temperature. Should the thermometer hit 100 degrees outside, you should set your air conditioning temperature to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Very cooled homes lose temperature much more quickly than homes closer to the outdoor temperature. This is because your air conditioning has to work harder to keep the building cool — the airflow of warmer outside air moves much quicker into a colder room.

In contrast, the warmer the indoor temperature, the slower the airflow of warmer air from outside. As a result, the closer the indoor temperature is to the outdoor temperature. The fewer times your air conditioning will run. So you’ll use less energy.

To What Temperature Should You Set Your Thermostat?

Different temperatures offer varying comfort levels to different people. The “best” thermostat setting will depend on several factors. Your home should be cool enough for you to feel comfortable wearing suitable seasonal clothes.  You should not need to wear sweaters or long pants, or use blankets indoors.

Firstly, you need to discover your ideal temperature range — everyone is different. Start at a lower temperature, say 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and see how you feel. Then set it at a higher temperature, perhaps one degree higher. Keep raising the temperature by one degree until you reach a point where you no longer feel comfortable.

Should You Buy a Programmable Thermostat?

A programmable thermostat allows you to keep your central air conditioning at a higher temperature setting when you’re away from home. It can also be programmed to lower the temperature in time for your return. As a result, your house is warmer while you are away but cooler when you’re present. Saving you money on bills with no impact on your comfort levels.

You can also set preferred temperature patterns for when you go to sleep, wake up, return from work, and so on. There are many options for programmable thermostats at a range of prices.

What’s the Difference Between a Programmable and a Smart Thermostat?

A programmable thermostat relies on you setting its schedules and temperatures. A smart thermostat can learn your schedule and temperature preferences, balance temperatures around your home, and even change temperatures to account for when no one is home.

Smart thermostats are more expensive, starting around $60 and going up from there. Pricier models may connect to an Alexa device or smartphone, help adjust humidity levels, track energy consumption, and even allow for voice-control.

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