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Eco Green

Eco Team

AC unit

Ways To Extend The Life Of Your AC Unit

The life expectancy of your AC unit will depend on the model of the unit. However, it has more to do with the maintenance and care that is received.

Best Ways to Extend the Average Life of AC Unit

How to Extend the Life of your Air Conditioner

1. Keep The Outdoor Unit Clean & Clear

Make sure there’s at least two feet of clear space surrounding the outdoor unit at all times. If you have shrubs, trees, or other landscape features nearby, keep them trimmed so they don’t grow into the unit. The less obstruction, the longer the entire system will function.

2. Give your Air Conditioner a Rest

When air conditioners are constantly run, they tend to wear out quicker. It is important to turn the air conditioner off if you plan on leaving home for any length of time. You can turn the thermostat a minimum of 5 degrees to allow the unit to stay on, but not cool the air.

You can also turn up the thermostat at night. Both of these techniques will help to prolong the life of your AC unit because it will not be running day in and day out without a break.

3. Schedule annual maintenance

Annual maintenance is one of the best ways to increase the lifespan of your air conditioner. An annual tune-up will take care of any operating problems before they get worse and maximize the efficiency of your system so that it’s fully capable to take on every cooling season to the best of its abilities.

How to Extend the Life of Your Air Conditioning Unit | Interstate Gas and  Oil

4. Make sure there are no airflow problems

Another common thing that reduces the lifespan of your air conditioning unit is airflow problems. When there are leaks in the air ducts, the conditioner has to work extra hard to cool the home, increasing its wear and tear rate.

Also, make sure that there are no obstacles that interrupt the free circulation of air within the home. On the same note, make sure that the ducts are clean and not blocked in any way to make sure that air is flowing freely. With no airflow problems, your air conditioner will hum efficiently for a long time, and this is what you want.

5. Get Regular AC Tune-ups

Getting regular AC tune-ups is very important when it comes to extending the life of the unit. Regular tune-ups will keep your system in excellent condition and will help to prevent problems before they can begin.

The best time for a tune-up is typically in the spring, right before the summer months begin and your unit is used more frequently.

When you contact Assured Comfort for your Air Conditioning Tune-Up, we will inspect all of the components, clean, and fix any possible issues you may be having. Preventative maintenance will help to avoid costly repairs in the future.

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