When the temperature drops to very low levels, you’ll want to make sure that you can rely on your heating problems system to contribute to a comfortable night indoors. There are a variety of things that can go wrong with […]
Whether you have a gas furnace or a heat pump, you rely on your heater system to keep your home comfortable and safe throughout the winter months. A healthy heating system can prevent burst pipes, provide good quality indoor air […]
Colder weather can drive up energy usage as heaters are working overtime to keep indoor temperatures comfortable. For example, during the first week of January, Mid continent Independent System Operator South reported a peak demand for electricity usage that averaged […]
Ways to Save on Your Heating Bill Close Unused Vents Close the vent coming from the furnace. Rooms that don’t need to be heated bill can be sealed off so the heat gets redirected to occupied parts of the home. […]
Summer is fast approaching, and we’ve already endured some balmy days. Since heating and cooling costs account for 50 percent of a home’s energy bills, according to the Department of Energy, It’s wise to find ways to stay cool and safe […]
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