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Eco Green

Eco Team

AC Conditioning

Most Common Air Conditioning Problems

Air Conditioning Problems

Common air conditioning problems occur when rooms are closed off and air flow through the home is disrupted.  On the other hand, if you have a room air conditioner, the opposite is true.  And are is improper operation. Be sure to close your home’s windows and outside doors to isolate the room or a group of connected rooms as much as possible from the rest of your home.

Air Conditioning

6 Common AC Problems

AC Running Constantly

It’s normal for the air conditioner to run more often in hot weather, but it should still turn off periodically. Correcting an AC that won’t shut off helps you protect vital components and prevent your energy bill from skyrocketing.

Cause: This is one of the most common AC issues, and it can have multiple causes. You may have a problem with the thermostat, compressor, air filters, or electrical parts.

AC Not Turning On

It’s frustrating to wake up in the morning and realize the air conditioner won’t come on at all. Even if you turn the thermostat to a lower temperature, the AC still won’t engage.

Cause: Sometimes, this problem happens because a circuit breaker is tripped. Other reasons include faulty thermostat or loose wiring.

No Cool Air Flowing

This common issue can appear in two ways. First, you may hear the AC running, but there’s no air coming out of the ducts. Second, even though you feel some air, it doesn’t seem cool at all.

Cause: Most of the time, this problem is a breeze to fix. It’s usually just a tripped circuit breaker. It’s also possible that the blower belt is worn and needs a replacement. Low refrigerant levels can also affect cooling.

Hot Air Blowing Out

Why is your AC creating hot air instead of cold air? The last thing you need is to feel warmer when you’re sweating inside the house. This problem can occur even in the middle of summer.

Cause: Hot air may be telling you that you have a dirty air filter, an obstruction in the ducts, or debris that is causing the compressor to overheat. It’s also possible that refrigerant levels are low.

Refrigerant or Water Leaking

It’s not easy for homeowners to detect most refrigerant leaks, because they often appear in coolant lines. However, brightly colored stains near the AC unit are a sign of problems. While it’s reasonable to see some condensation outside the air conditioner, excessive moisture can be a sign of leaking water.

Cause: Lines and connections in the AC system tend to degrade over time, leading to refrigerant leaks. Blocked drainage pipes and faulty condensate pumps, usually cause water leaks.

Unit Turning On and Off Repeatedly

This problem is also known as short cycling. Instead of completing a full cooling cycle, the AC starts up over and over. This is a serious issue that can damage the compressor.

Cause: Sometimes, the problem is as simple as clogged air filters or miscalibrated thermostats. It’s also possible that your air conditioner is too powerful for your home.

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