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It’s a good idea to hire an HVAC company to inspect and do maintenance on your system every fall and spring. They’ll do things like inspect and clean the wiring and mechanisms of the air conditioner and furnace, which are a bit more challenging for the average homeowner.

HVAC Tips for Homeowners

6 HVAC Maintenance Tips to Prevent Costly Repairs

Seasonal HVAC Preventative Maintenance

At least two times per year, schedule HVAC preventative maintenance with a professional technician. Maintenance should involve a furnace or heat pump inspection that includes cleaning and an annual tune-up. Schedule maintenance for your air conditioning system in the spring and your furnace or heat pump either late summer or early fall. That way, your unit is running optimally and efficiently as soon as you turn it on.

If your HVAC technician discovers a severe problem, they can deal with it before it leads to other problems, and before it’s time to switch over from heating to cooling or vice versa. A tune-up typically includes a thorough inspection including checking the heat exchange for cracks, checking refrigeration, cleaning condensate tube build-up, condenser cleaning, lubricating all moving parts and replacing filters.

 Seal your home from drafts

Most people think about stopping air infiltration in colder winter months, but it’s also crucial during AC season.
Any air leak in your home robs your HVAC system of efficiency since that heated or cooled air is lost.
Ensure that all windows are shut and that doors have good weather seals before turning on the HVAC system.
Common HVAC Repairs You Need to Know About | KS Services

Regulate your internal temperatures

The Department of Energy states that, when homeowners turn their thermostats back by 7 to 10 degrees for eight hours daily, they can save 10% on annual heating and cooling bills. Further, if you set your thermostat to 68 degrees in the winter when you’re awake and lower it when sleeping, that also saves on energy costs. Use that same strategy in the summer by setting thermostats at 78 degrees when at home and keeping it warmer when away. Using programmable or smart thermostats is a simple way to control your home’s heating and cooling efficiency. You can control this thermostat technology from a smartphone or tablet from any location. Some smart thermostats can even learn your habits, adapting so you don’t even have to program energy-saving adjustments.

 Change your filters regularly

Changing your HVAC system’s air filters once a month, or as directed by the furnace or filter manufacturer, helps ensure your system has smooth, uninterrupted air flow.
New filters can help your system work more efficiently, saving you money in the process.


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24 Hour Emergency Service

We can provide expert 24 hour Emergency Service available to you 365 days a year for your all you’re Heating, Cooling, and Hot Water needs. We are here when you need us to service both your residential and commercial properties!

613 627 2777

Working Hours

Monday- Saturday: 8:00am-6:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am-3:00pm

Saturday: 9:00am-4:00pm

Sunday: 11:00am-6:00pm

12 Years Experience

We have over 12 years experience in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry (HVAC). We do believe in quality workmanship and in customer service.

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