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Eco Green

Eco Team

Size of AC that I need

How To Determine The Size Of AC You Need?

Appropriate AC Size

In this modern age, having an AC in your home is less a luxury than it is standard. But since the world has changed dramatically in the last few decades, it may very well be time to replace that old AC and have a modern one installed. You may not be aware of the fact that air conditioning units have changed quite a bit over the past 30 years, and the size/age of the unit you have now may be causing your electricity bill to be much higher than it needs to be.

Figuring out an accurate HVAC size involves some tips you shoud know.

What Size A/C Unit Does Your House Need?

Calculate Size

To calculate the size, simply multiply the length times the width of the room or area to be cooled. Then, as a practical number, multiply that total times 25 BTU. This allows ample cooling, whether it is a rainy, moist day or a hot, sunny, humid day. Let’s say the room is 12 feet wide by 15 feet long. That means 12×15=180 square feet. Take the 180 sq. ft. times 25 BTU per square foot and you get the minimum BTU air conditioner you should buy. That means 180×25=4500 BTU cooling capacity is needed.

Don’t Overkill

An air conditioner that’s too large can be overkill. To dispute the rumor that bigger is better, an air conditioner that’s too large will cool more quickly, but that may impede the reason for running the air conditioner in the first place. Along with cooling the air, the air conditioner is also extracting moisture from the air (humidity) that makes all of us feel hot and sticky. Although the air may be cooler, if the unit doesn’t run long enough, the moisture cannot be extracted from the air properly. It would be like being outside camping on a cool, clammy, foggy night. Also, an air conditioner that is too large will cycle on and off frequently.

Eco Green Services

Of course, these are very basic calculations, and they do not take into account the number of people in the building, the climate of the area, the number and placement of windows, whether those windows face north or south, the amount/type of insulation in the walls, lighting placement, and multiple other factors.

For more precise measurements, professionals will use the Manual J calculations, which take all of these factors into account. This allows the technician to know exactly what size HVAC to install in your home for optimum comfort and efficiency. A properly trained HVAC professional will be able to make the proper measurements and design a system that meets your home’s climate control needs. At Eco Green, we provide the needed expertise to make sure your home’s temperature is well regulated year round. To get an estimate for your home, give us a call today.

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