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Eco Green

Eco Team

Heating Maintenance

How Heating Maintenance Saves You Money

Ways Heating Maintenance Saves Money

Heating & AC Maintenance Plans | Highland Park IL

Maintenance Prevents More Breakdowns

There’s no way to just say “Heating Maintenance will always cost X amount of money,” because it can unearth some issues with your unit. However, maintenance works out to be cheaper than full-blown repairs almost every single time.

When your system breaks down, it’s the result of one part failing and affecting other parts. If your maintenance technician replaces wires that are at-risk of short circuiting, it’s cheaper than your thermostat or blower motor short circuiting and needing to be replaced.

It Reduces Potential Repair Costs

Paying to fix or replace your HVAC system can be a major expense. However, costly repairs can be avoided with regular diagnostic services. An expert technician can identify wear and tear or other potential issues well before they become serious problems, saving you money in the long run.

Reducing the amount of repairs

One of the main goals of the inspection part of maintenance is to locate places where the heater is wearing down toward the point where it will need repairs in the near future. Through cleaning, adjustments, lubrication of moving parts, and other maintenance steps, a technician can stop these malfunctions from occurring. In fact, 85% of the repairs a heating system may require over its lifetime can be prevented thanks to keeping up with regular maintenance. This saves you money as well as inconvenience.

Your HVAC Maintenance Questions Answered | Fire & Ice

Lower Monthly Energy Bills

If you have a brand new heating system, its performance will be as good as it ever will be. A new system performs exceptionally well for years to come, but the first month of operations will be more efficient than the twelfth month of operations. Here’s why.

As time goes on, your heating system endures wear and tear. This could be dust accumulation, stress on the blower motor, duct problems; the list goes on and on.

Maintenance restores your heater to its former glory (in as close a capacity as possible). With clean air filters, sealed ducts, and lubricated parts working in tandem, your heater won’t have to work extremely hard to bring you results. It runs for less time, so it costs less energy, and you still get to enjoy the level of comfort you want.

It Extends Your System’s Lifespan

Just like your car, your HVAC system requires regular tune-ups if you want to extend its mileage. Annual HVAC maintenance helps keep things running smoothly so that you can continue to derive value from your system.

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