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Eco Green

Eco Team

Air Conditioner

Common Air Conditioner Problems

It’s a horrifying scenario to have moldy air conditioner in your home, it’s a lot dangerous than you might think. There’s nothing more important to good health than the food you eat, the water you drink and the air that you breathe.

Every time you turn a moldy air conditioner on, it’s spewing mold spores and bacteria into the air and your lungs. If you have a moldy air conditioner, you are exposing yourself and the most vulnerable members of your family, friends, And colleagues to a raft of potentially serious, even deadly health problems. A moldy air conditioner is a recipe for chronic illness and you need to fix it fast!

 Most Common Air Conditioning Problems

Why Is My Air Conditioner Whistling?


Another easy fix is to make sure your thermostat (which controls the temperature setting in your home) is turned on, the inside is clean, it’s level, it’s not being affected by sunlight. And it’s on the correct setting. If problems persist, there may be another issue.

Dirty Air Filter

The air filter can be easily cleaned without the assistance of a technician. A dirty air filter can be the start of a myriad of bigger issues with your AC unit. So it is best to keep the air filter clean by running the mesh through soap and water every two weeks.

Breakers or Fuses

The breakers and fuses safeguard the AC unit’s motor or compressor from overheating. Often when a motor dies, one of the first parts the HVAC technician checks is the breaker.

Uneven Temperature Distribution

Are some parts of your home significantly colder or warmer than others? Don’t worry – it’s not a ghost. The problem could be an unbalanced air system. Depending on room size, air vent placement, windows, and even external temperature –some areas of your home won’t get as much attention from the AC unit.

Make sure larger windows are covered with sun-blocking curtains or blinds. From here, you can check the insulation of each room or install dampers to balance your system and redistribute some of the air flow to keep each room equally cool.



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