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Eco Green

Eco Team

Causes of AC Failure

 AC failure  issues need to be addressed quickly to prevent extreme temperature changes in the home, and to minimize the risk of flooding. The good news is that some of the most common AC issues can be fixed or prevented in just a few minutes.

 Air Conditioning Problems That Cause Its Failure

Ten Most Common AC Problems And Their Solutions | Onsitego Blog

 Your AC Is Loud

You should be able to feel that your AC is working, but you shouldn’t have to hear it. If your AC sounds like it’s struggling to keep you cool – it probably is struggling. Failing air conditioners tend to make different noises that are difficult for a novice to identify or diagnose. Screeching and squealing could mean there’s a faulty belt. Rattling sounds may be representative of problems with the fans, motor, or compressors.

Beyond checking your thermostat, clearing debris from around your outdoor unit, and changing the filters – suspect noises best corrected by a professional. Of course – you might get lucky. Loose air filters have been known to rattle when the blowers come on.

Sensor Problem

The air conditioner contains a thermostat sensor, located near the evaporator coil. The thermostat measures the air temperature in the evaporating coil and adjusts the cooling based on the condition of the room. If the sensor  forced out of position, the air conditioner can randomly turn on and off or cycle constantly. The sensor should placed near the evaporator coil without touching each other. Adjust the sensor by bending the wire that holds it in position

Worn-Out Parts

Time and wear-and-tear will slowly affect the performance of your air conditioner. If your system is several years old, it may be more critical to arrange for a professional inspection on integral components of your air conditioner. Parts like your compressor and fan blades as well as electrical connections can malfunction due to regular use. If a trained technician can replace worn-out parts before they actually fail.



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