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Eco Green

Eco Team

Air Conditioners

Air Conditioners Problems You Should Know About

Maintaining Your Air Conditioner | Department of Energy

Air conditioners, which were forgotten in the past few months, are again the talk of the town, and air conditioner problems simply cannot be tolerated! 90% of homes use some sort of air conditioning. In the summer season, the use of air conditioning units is significantly increased. However, there are a few homeowners who run into trouble once they start their air conditioner.

Air Conditioner Problems

Refrigerant Leaks

If your air conditioner is low on refrigerant, either it was undercharged at installation or it leaks. If it leaks, simply adding refrigerant is not a solution. A trained technician should fix any leak, test the repair, and then charge the system with the correct amount of refrigerant. Remember that the performance and efficiency of your air conditioner is greatest when the refrigerant charge exactly matches the manufacturer’s specification, and is neither undercharged nor overcharged. Refrigerant leaks can also be harmful to the environment.

Electric Control Failure

When you frequently turn on and off your air conditioner, the fan controls and compressor can wear out. The condenser fan motor, the compressor, and the blower motor make an electrical connection to start the unit. A connection problem can prevent the motor and compressor from turning on.

15 Air Conditioner Problems That Homeowners Face & Their Solutions

Sensor Problems

Room air conditioners feature a thermostat sensor, located behind the control panel, which measures the temperature of air coming into the evaporative coil. If the sensor is knocked out of position, the air conditioner could cycle constantly or behave erratically. The sensor should be near the coil but not touching it; adjust its position by carefully bending the wire that holds it in place.

A Dirty Air Conditioning Filter

Your HVAC system’s air filter will eventually become clogged with pollen, dust, dirt, mold, and other pollutants. A clogged filter forces your system to work harder, wasting energy and shortening its life. It can also spread contaminants around your home and the parts of your HVAC system. Check your filter once per month by holding it up to a light. If the light can’t pass through the filter, you need to change it. You should change your air filter at least every three months to keep your heater and air conditioner working well. Also, make sure all your air registers are open and no furniture, curtains, or other objects are blocking them.

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